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Selectmen Minutes 09/06/2011
Chichester Board of Selectmen
Minutes of Meeting
September 6, 2011

Members present:  Richard DeBold, Jeffrey Jordan
Others Present:  Nancy Tanner (Town Administrator), Jim Plunkett, Michele Plunkett, Alan Quimby, Ed Millette, Matt Cole, John Martell, Patrick Clarke, Donna Chagnon, Kevin Mara, Pat Tarpe

Chairman DeBold opened the meeting at 7:00PM.  

Department Heads:
Highway:  Jim provided Nancy with a list of the Department’s radios for reprogramming.  The winter salt is being delivered.  The Town faired very well through the tropical storm.  We had 6 or 7 trees that came down into the roadway.  Jim asked about the Center Road property that needs boundary pins replaced, this decision was tabled.  Richard would like to contact CLD.  Nancy will have a final draft of the proposed Safety Policy for next week.  
Fire:  Chief Quimby reports that the Fire Department had a very successful three alarm drill.  Chief Quimby is working on scheduling the radios for narrow banding reprogramming.  During the tropical storm the Department was staffed from Saturday night through Sunday and they had 18 calls for service and 2 medical calls.  All together they put in 245 man hours.  
Building:  Still slow.  5 permits since August 24th – fees = $350.00
EMD:  John Martell posted a notice on the website that residents should contact him if they have property damage from the storm.  John said all the Emergency Responders did an excellent job during the storm.
Police:  Chief Clarke put out a community message asking residents to be vigilant after the rash of burglaries that we had.  They received a tip that led to a vehicle being seized containing possible stolen property from another town.  

North Country Resource Conservation & Development Area Council
Pat Tarpe was present to discuss a plan to develop water sources for the Fire Department. Matt Cole has been working with the Council.  They are proposing to do a grant funded study of the Town.  The council with the Fire Department will look at all areas of Town and identify water sources as well as high hazard areas. The plan that is developed should be added as an addendum to the Town Hazard Mitigation Plan.  There is no cost to the Town for doing the plan.  The ultimate goal is to lower the Town’s ISO rating, which would result in lower house insurance premiums for our residents.  The Selectmen are in agreement to move forward with the plan.

Other Business
Cell Phones:   The Town’s cell phones with Nextel have not been getting service and it has become an issue. The Town has solicited pricing from US Cellular and Verizon.  We obtained test phones from each company and gave them to Department’s for testing.  It seems both companies provide excellent service in Chichester.  Verizon offers push-to-talk and US Cellular does not.  Chief Clarke spoke in favor of having push-to-talk.  Verizon’s pricing was slightly higher than US Cellular with the push-to-talk.  Nancy will talk to the representative again to try to negotiate pricing and equipment further.

Personnel Issue: Pursuant to RSA 91-A:3 II(a) Mr. DeBold made a motion seconded by Mr. Jordan for a non-public session to discuss a personnel matter at 8:10.  Roll call vote was unanimous.
Pursuant to RSA 91-A:3 Mr. DeBold made a motion seconded by Mr. Jordan to exit the nonpublic session at 8:17.  Roll call vote was unanimous.
The minutes of the nonpublic session were sealed.

Planning Board:  The Planning Board provided an update, for the Board of Selectmen, on the Finlayson issue.  She will submit a new application to the Planning Board by September 15th so that they can the changes.
Forestry:  The Warden responded to an unpermitted fire at a Ferrin Road residence.  This individual has had her permitting privileges previously revoked.  She was issued a forth violation from the Warden.  The Warden also recommends the Selectmen require restitution for the incident.  The Selectmen agree to the restitution.  Nancy will prepare a bill.
Conservation Deed Restriction:  A conservation deed restriction from Barbara and Edward Ferman to the Town of Chichester was signed by the Selectmen.
Fire Department Truck Committee:  There were several members of the Fire Department Truck Committee present.  They expressed the desire to have a vehicle vendor give a presentation to the Fleet Management Committee, the Board of Selectmen, and the CIP committee together, especially as we are nearing budget season.  Mr. Paveglio had previously expressed a desire for the truck committee to present to the Fleet Management Committee before the other groups.  The Selectmen will discuss it at next week’s meeting when Mr. Paveglio can be present.
Heating Oil Bids:  Nancy explained that Bruce Dyke had asked her to help solicit bids on behalf of the Suncook River Valley Town Association.  The Solicitation had produced bids from three companies the lowest of which was Fred Fuller Oil (lock in at $3.1950 or a capped price of $3.499).  The capped price would allow the Town to follow the price down should prices go down.  Last year the Town agreed to a capped price.  
Mr. DeBold made a motion seconded by Mr. Jordan to accept the offer from Fred Fuller oil for $3.499 capped/gallon for the period of September 1, 2011 through April 30, 2012.  The motion passed.
Ordinances:  The finalization of the Ordinances was tabled until a full Board is present.

Accounts payable and payroll were approved.

A motion by Mr. DeBold and seconded by Mr. Jordan to adjourn the meeting at 9:02pm.  Motion passes.

Respectfully submitted,

Nancy Tanner

____________________________    ________Absent_________      __________________________
      Richard DeBold, Chairman D.  Michael Paveglio                                 Jeffrey Jordan